Tampereen Akateeminen Mahti


Unfortunately UtaSport has to cancel few events from the winter sports week.
Tuesday’s winter happening at Sorsapuisto 3.3. at 16:00
Thursday’s Snowshoing happening 5.3. at 18:00

All other events will be arranged as previously announced!

In addition, UtaSports hockeyclub TUHO arranges open hockey training session for everybody on monday 2.3. at 11.45-13:00 at Hakametsä ice stadium (Haka2-building). You need only your own hockey equipment with you for saety reasons! If you have any questions or don’t find your way, ask more from Vilhartti Hanhilahti, phone: 040-8364823.


UtaSport joutuu valitettavasti taipumaan sääjumalien tahtoon, ja lumen puutteen vuoksi perumaan muutaman talviliikuntaviikon lajin.

PERUUTETTUJA lajeja ovat siis:
Tiistain 3.3. Talvirieha Sorsapuistossa klo 16:00
Torstain 5.3. Lumikenkäily klo 18:00

Muista talviliikuntaviikon lajeista pidämme kiinni kynsin hampain, ja esimerkiksi perjantain huikealle Himos-reissulle on vielä tilaa!

Lisäksi jääkiekkolajikerhomme TUHO järjestää maanantaina 2.3. klo 11.45-13:00 avoimet jääkiekkotreenit Hakametsän jäähallilla (Haka2). Treenit ovat ilmaiset, mutta mukaan tulisi ottaa kuitenkin omat varusteet turvallisuussyistä. Ennakkoilmoittautumista ei tarvita, joten tervetuloa mukaan! Tarvittaessa kysy lisää TUHOn puheenjohtaja Vilhartti Hanhilahdelta, puh. 0408364823.


Female futsal-course!

Welcome to UtaSports female futsal-course! The class is for beginners, so it is okay if you’ve never even kicked football before! If you have football experience already, you’re still welcome.

What: Female futsal course
When: wed 4.3. at 14-15, thu 12.3. at 14-15, wed 18.3. at 14-15 and thu 26.3. at 15-16
Where: in Atalpa
What does it cost: Free for UtaSport members, for non-members 5 e/time. You can join UtaSport at http://www.utasport.fi/?cat=8.
(Please notice that you have to be a member of UnipoliSport  before you can join this course at all. UnipoliSport is a different sport service than UtaSport ry.)

Enrolment: Send e-mail to course leader Markus Silvennoinen, silvennoinen.markus.j@student.uta.fi.

Naisten futsal-kurssi!

UtaSport järjestää naisten futsal-kurssin!

Kurssi on suunnattu aloittelijoille, joten ei haittaa, vaikket olisi ikinä aiemmin palloa aiemmin potkinutkaan. Mukaan voi toki tulla vaikka pelitaustaa olisi jo ennestään. Et tarvitse muuta kuin tavalliset sisäpelikengät.
Kurssi pidetään Atalpalla neljänä ajankohtana: ke 4.3. klo 14-15, to 12.3. klo 15-16, ke 18.3. klo 14-15 ja to 26.3. klo 15-16

Kurssi on UtaSportin jäsenille ilmainen ja muille se maksaa 5 euroa / kerta. Jäseneksi voi liittyä allaolevan linkin kautta. Kurssille osallistumisen edellytyksenä kuitenkin on, että Unipoli Sportin liikuntamaksu tulee olla maksettuna. Huomaathan, että Unipoli Sport on UtaSportista erillinen kolmen kampuksen yhteinen liikuntapalvelu.

Ilmoittautua voit sähköpostilla kurssin vetäjällä Markus Silvennoiselle osoitteeseen silvennoinen.markus.j@student.uta.fi. Kurssille mahtuu 15 ensimmäistä ilmoittautujaa. 

UtaSport organizes a winter sports week!



WHEN: 3.3.2015 clock: 17.30

WHERE: Rauhaniemi’s sauna. Rauhaniementie 23B, 33180 Tampere

COST: 3,50e

WHAT DO I NEED: Swimsuit and a towel

INFO AND ENROLMENT: etelavuori.nina.h@student.uta.fi phone: 040 8675 188



On Tuesday 3.3 we are having sled hill, ice skating and ice hockey at Sorsapuisto hill and upper skate field. Ice hockey is playful and everyone is welcome!

WHERE: Sorsapuisto hill and upper skating field

WHEN: 3.3, sled hill starts at 16.30 and the skating and ice hockey at 17

WHAT DO I NEED: Own skates and preferably a helmet to ice hockey

COST: Free

Come and take your friends with you to enjoy the winter happening! No enrolment needed. We are also serving warm juice so no one will get too cold!



WHAT: TYKKi and FreezeBees are having snow ultimate frisbee open for everyone for free. All you need is proper clothes so you can frolic in the snow!

WHEN: Wednesday 4.3 klo: 16-18

WHERE: Viinikka field, Kaartotie 1, next to Viinikka church

COST: free

INFORMATION: tamminen.joonas.i@student.uta.fi



WHAT: Come and try snowshoing at Kauppi. We have proximately 20 snowshoes so there are limited places. This happening is free!

WHEN: 5.3 clock:18.00

COST: Free

ENROLMENT: the enrolment to hamalainen.johanna.m@student.uta.fi and the enrolment time ends at 1.3, enrolment is binding. You will get information via email for the equipment needed and the place


UtaSport organizes an amazing downhill skiing trip to Himos on friday 6.3!

The trip will start at 8.30 am in front of Tampere-talo and we will be back from Himos to Tampere around 6 pm.

The trip costs to UtaSports member only 25 € per person including transportation and ski pass for the day (regular price for the ski pass is 38 €). NOTICE: The membership to unipolisport (fee 65e) doesn’t include membership to UtaSport. You can get involved to this event even if you are not a member of UtaSport but then the trip cost 30 € per person. We have arranged special prices also for the equipment rental:

Alpine set: 16€/day
Snowboard set: 22€/day

Signing up is going in Monday 9.2. to Friday 20.2. – or as long as there are seats available in the bus, so be quick! Enrolment is binding and you can do it to this e-mail address: jarvinen.h.maria@student.uta.fi, after that you will get the payment information. You have to pay all fees after signing up. Please write on the message your full name, e-mail address, phone number and the rental information (what do you want to rent, your height and weight).

You can find further information about Himos in their website: http://www.himos.fi/english/himos-ski-resort.htm. About the trip feel free to e-mail to Fiinu Martti for more information (martti.fiinu.a@student.uta.fi)

WHAT: Downhill skiing trip to Himos

WHEN: 6.3 , 8.30-18

WHERE: Himos, buss leaves in front of Tampere-talo at 8.30

TICKETS: 25e (member of UtaSport) / 30e for others. NOTICE: The membership to unipolisport (fee 65e) doesn’t include membership to UtaSport.

EQUIPMENT RENTAL: Alpine set: 16€/day, Snowboard set: 22€/day

MORE INFORMATION: martti.fiinu.a@student.uta.fi

ENROLMENT: 9.2- 20.2 / or untill the buss is full. Binding enrolments are given to jarvinen.h.maria@student.uta.fi after which you get the payment instructions and the due date. In the enrolment write your name, email, phone number, are you a member of UtaSport and if you need rental equipment (what do you need, your height and weight).



WHAT: Uta horse riding club PIFFI arranges a two-hour riding trip

WHEN: Sat 7.3. at 11 am

WHERE: ”Tuulensillan talli” stables in Viljakkala, where we go by cars, so please tell us if you can offer a lift there!

COST: 39e for UtaSPort and PIFFI members, 46e for everyone else

NOTICE: The membership to Unipolisport (fee 65e) doesn’t include membership to UtaSport.

WHO CAN COME: Everyone! We have two groups, g1 for experienced riders, g2 for beginners/less experienced

HOW DO I JOIN: More info and binding enrolments to piffinhallitus@gmail.com by 27.2.